Children’s Picture Books

“Learning happens everywhere. Be intentional with the messages you teach.”

~ Anonymous

To parent, is to engineer a human — no role is more important or challenging.

We must shift our parenting strategy with our child’s developmental stage and be individualized to each tiny human. Find the best way to teach, set boundaries, encourage independence, and show love.

We can always improve and grow as parents, but we’re not striving for perfection. We’re incredibly fortunate to live in the digital age where social emotional learning resources are just a click away. These children’s picture books are meant as teaching tools. They have bold illustrations and adorable characters to engage children while hearing the messages.

I Will Still Love You

Receiving unconditional love as a child (and interpreting it as such) appears to be the seat of high self-worth/esteem, ability to set/maintain boundaries, and engage in healthy relationships as adults.

Even though parents love their children unconditionally that’s not always how children perceive it. This book can help children understand that, no matter what they do or what others may think, their parents’ love will always be there.

Are You My Friend or My Bully?

Sometimes it’s hard for kids to tell who is a “real” friend.

This encouraging story of a girl named Janie helps young children recognize the difference between having a true friend and school mates who act like a friend, but who also bully.  She also learns how real friends are supposed to treat you and how to be happy at school again.

Go Blue!!

For true University of Michigan fans comes this children’s picture book all about Wolverine Football. Go Blue!!

As your kids rhyme along, they learn interesting facts about The University of Michigan's winning college football team, their mascot, and even the stadium. They'll also learn about historical game highlights and finish up by singing "The Victors.”

Three Truths and a Nutty Surprise (coming soon)

A story for understanding that nothing is personal, everything is temporary, and there’s no such thing as perfection.

The Truth Beyond THE BEAST (coming soon)

A story to help kids understand that we are not our thoughts and self-talk is just noise.